Now you’re feeling settled in your new home, and the uni workload is starting to take its effect, your beloved student house or flat may be feeling the consequences of your neglect. Here are a few top tips to keep your house looking spick and span throughout the year, so you don’t have to spend hours (convincing your housemates) on a deep clean.
- Recycling – Have a designated container for recycling. People tend to think that leaving cardboard pizza boxes and milk cartons on the side near the door actually counts as recycling… well, surprise; it doesn’t. Make sure you have a separate container – and one that actually gets emptied every now and again!
Cleaning products – Many groups of friends in students houses set up a joint bank account from which to pay bills etc. Why not spend whatever you have remaining at the end of the month on things like cleaning products and toilet roll? This way you’re never any more out of pocket than your house mates, and it might encourage some cleaning!
- Out-of-date food – Keep on top of any out-of-date food you may have in your fridge and cupboards – trust me, its better to get rid of it sooner rather than later.
- Mail – Sort your mail every time you walk through the door. Students’ houses have a reputation of acquiring never ending piles of trodden-on pizza vouchers and unopened bills. Keep your porch or doorway looking tidy by picking mail up and sorting it as and when it gets delivered.
- Keep the hob clean – hobs can get very messy with cooked-on food that’s been there for months! If you make a splash, just wipe it down straight away before the food drys up. It’s a lot easier than trying this a year down the line…
For any further advice about student housing or any more serious problems you may have, please visit our website or feel free to contact us on 0113 243 0169.