The new Nottingham Unipol Code cycle starts on 1st August 2023.
Unipol are now inviting all existing Code members to renew their accreditation for the 2023-2026 Nottingham Code cycle.
The consultation, which took place throughout May 2023, is a triennial process giving relevant representatives the opportunity to review and suggest updates to the Code document, with the aim of ensuring the Unipol Code remains compliant with changes to legislation, local authority standards and best practice.
Revisions for the next cycle have now been agreed, and the updated Nottingham Code 2023-2026 document is being published and will be circulated to all members when completed.
An overview of the review consultation process and any changes/additions to the content of the Code can be viewed here.
How do I renew my membership?
Renewing your membership is simple and can be done online via your dashboard account. Simply log in and select 'Pay for Code Accreditation' - you will then be prompted to provide the necessary information and make payment.
Alternatively, you can complete and return a physical declaration form and property list and return them to Unipol (please note that applications cannot be completed without full payment and completion of both of the above forms).
The Code fees can be viewed here.
We would like to thank you for your dedication to higher standards in students housing and look forward to welcoming you on the new Unipol Code cycle.
We really hope you continue being a valuable member of Unipol.