Review and Remunerations Committee
Terms of Reference
- To review the performance and determine the salary of the Chief Executive
- To confirm the Company Secretary in their role or make a recommendation to the Board to appoint another
- Assess and review the capacity, support and shape of the Senior Management Team as appropriate
- To report their conclusions and actions in minutes to the Board
The Committee to be serviced by the Deputy Chief Executive excepting the minuting of the conclusions made by the Committee in respect of the Chief Executive which will be recorded by an invitee from Human Resources, University of Leeds.
The quorum shall be two members.
(all ex Officio)
Stephen Willis (Chair of Unipol's Board and Chair of Committee)
Jenny Share (Deputy Chair – Finance)
Vacancy (Deputy Chair – Partnerships)
Andy Welsh (Deputy Chair- Portfolio)
In attendance
Chief Executive
Deputy Chief Executive and Company Secretary (for all matters excepting any review of their role as Company Secretary)
The Committee will meet at least annually.