Financial Affairs and Staffing Committee
Terms of Reference
- To advise the Board on matters relating to Unipol's financial performance, procedures and planning
- To receive annually and evaluate a three-year Budget Projection as part of advising the Board on financial performance and strategy
- To examine the reserves and investment policies and have responsibility for custodianship of Unipol’s assets and make recommendations to Unipol’s Board about any changes needed in these areas
- To seek assurances at an audit level of accountability (subject to Board approval of any resources needed for this process outside of the approved budgetary limits) as it deems necessary from external advisers
- To take decisions in respect of changes to accounting policies and practice except where these are deemed significant in which case they will be a matter reserved to the Board. All changes made to be reported to the Board
- Take decisions in respect of evicting tenants on mandatory grounds from Unipol’s portfolio
- Undertake staff review and promotion matters with authority from the Board in respect of members of the Senior Management team other than the Chief Executive
- Undertake all staff policy considerations, in particular Unipol's relationship with the University of Leeds in that regard and advise the Board accordingly
- Have authority, on behalf of the Board, to negotiate and agree to any necessary contractual changes in respect of individual staffing arrangements and with the University of Leeds.
The quorum shall be four members.
All members shall be voting members and the Chair shall have both an original and, if required, a casting vote.
Jenny Share (Deputy Chair – Finance of the Unipol Board and Chair of Committee (ex officio))
Six members appointed by the Board
Vicki Johnson
Kevin Stephenson
Stephen Willis (Chair of the Unipol Board)
Jacqui Short
The Chief Executive
The Deputy Chief Executive (in all matters excepting their own review)
Director of Finance (in all matters excepting their own review)
In Attendance
The Finance Manager
All members shall be appointed for three years and nominated members of the Committee (that are not already members of Unipol's Board) are subject to approval by Unipol's Board.
The Committee shall meet when necessary, but in any event not less than three times a year.