Communications and IT Committee
Terms of Reference
- Agree and monitor, on behalf of the Board, Unipol’s IT service delivery and strategy
- Ensure the security and integrity of personal data held, and review the Data Protection Policy annually and make recommendations to the Board for approval
- Set an annual marketing strategy for the charity and its services and oversees and evaluates such marketing
- Undertake an annual student engagement strategy promoting Unipol’s mission and purpose to students
- Oversee and monitor overall developments in social media
- Have strategic responsibility for the operation and development of Unipol’s websites
- Monitor of costs and income of these activities in the context of any budget set by the Financial Affairs and Staffing Committee
- Provide a forum for the discussion of future initiatives and investment within the IT and communications arena
The quorum shall be 3 members.
Meri Braziel (Chair of Committee)
2 trustees appointed by the Board
Andy Welsh (Deputy Chair – Partnerships)
Lokesh Sharma
4 other members to be appointed by the Board
Susan Green
Tom Salmon
Simon Thompson
Ex-Officio Members
Deputy Chief Executive
Director of IT and Communications
Director of Operations
In Attendance
Marketing and Engagement Manager
The Chair of the Committee is appointed by Unipol's Board.