Governance Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. Advise the Board on relevant practice in respect of corporate governance
  2. Review the Committee structure and assess whether it is working both efficiently and properly
  3. Review all Groups established to assess their efficient working
  4. Maintain an overview of the trustee review process
  5. Review the Safeguarding Statement every 3 years
  6. Undertake an annual review of the Charity Governance Code for Larger Charities Compliance Document
  7. To make recommendations to the Chair of the Board in respect of extending the term of co-opted trustees and, in the event of the Chair of the Board being considered, to make recommendations to the Deputy Chairs
  8. Take responsibility for the review and development of Unipol’s accreditation Codes and establish Groups, as appropriate, to review and consult, as necessary, on changes being considered
  9. And to report to the Board on all these matters annually.

To these standard terms will be added additional tasks decided from time to time, by the Board.

The quorum for this meeting will be 3 members.

Steve Denton (Chair of the Committee)
Catherine Cho
Jo Norry
Chris Warrington (Chair of the Leeds and Bradford Group)
Andy Welsh (Deputy Chair – Portfolio)
Stephen Willis (Chair of the Unipol Board)

In Attendance
The Chief Executive 
Deputy Chief Executive and Company Secretary

All members shall be appointed for 3 years and nominated members of the Committee (that are not already members of Unipol's Board) are subject to approval by Unipol's Board.

There will be at least one meeting of the Committee each year.